How to calculate the composite SLA for Microsoft Azure
Murugan Andezuthu Dharmaratnam | 04 July 2023 | 855
Here I have given an example on how composite SLA for Microsoft Azure Services can be calculated … CONTINUE READING
script to backup azure sql database to local machine
Murugan Andezuthu Dharmaratnam | 11 August 2022 | 2804
You would have used ms sql export data-tier application in ssms to create a bacpac backup to your local machine. Here is the sample script to backup azure sql database to local machine. … CONTINUE READING
Azure Resource Explorer to Discover the Azure Resource Management APIs
Murugan Andezuthu Dharmaratnam | 05 January 2022 | 1514
Azure resource explorer is a tool to Discover the Azure Resource Management APIs, Get API documentation & Make actual API calls directly in your own subscriptions. URL … CONTINUE READING
azure blob storage C# example create read update delete files
Murugan Andezuthu Dharmaratnam | 04 January 2022 | 2499
azure blob storage c# example create read update delete files … CONTINUE READING
Azure Bot Service bot framework The bot's Microsoft App ID or Microsoft App Password is incorrect
Murugan Andezuthu Dharmaratnam | 09 December 2021 | 2318
Error Exception while running bot framework in Bot Framework Emulator. The bot's Microsoft App ID or Microsoft App Password is incorrect … CONTINUE READING
azure bot framework adaptive dialog exception turn does not match memory scopes Parameter key
Murugan Andezuthu Dharmaratnam | 02 November 2021 | 2159
how to get luis authoring key
Murugan Andezuthu Dharmaratnam | 19 October 2021 | 594
where can I find luis authoring key … CONTINUE READING
LUIS how to download a lu file
Murugan Andezuthu Dharmaratnam | 19 October 2021 | 1849
How can I download a .lu file from portal. I was working on a azure bot project and I needed a .lu file from LUIS for the Bot Framework CLI tool to be used by the orchestrator. Here are the steps to download a .lu file website. … CONTINUE READING
Connect Power BI to PostgreSQL Database
Murugan Andezuthu Dharmaratnam | 20 September 2021 | 3101
Connect Power BI to PostgreSQL Database Error. We encountered an error while trying to connect. Details: An error happened while reading data from the provider: 'The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure. … CONTINUE READING
MissingSubscriptionRegistration The subscription is not registered to use namespace
Murugan Andezuthu Dharmaratnam | 06 September 2021 | 2130
MissingSubscriptionRegistration The subscription is not registered to use namespace . I get this message when I signed on to for the first time & tried to register an authoring resource. … CONTINUE READING
Where can I find my Azure Bot's MicrosoftAppId and MicrosoftAppPassword
Murugan Andezuthu Dharmaratnam | 06 September 2021 | 2898
when you create an azure bot framework project, you will have to provide the MicrosoftAppId, MicrosoftAppPassword in the appsettings.json file. This post describes the easy steps to find the MicrosoftAppPassword. … CONTINUE READING
Azure application insights for beginner
Murugan Andezuthu Dharmaratnam | 09 May 2021 | 2294
In this article, we will look at how to collect application metrics and distributed traces using azure application insights and how to use application insights in your application. … CONTINUE READING
When to use Azure Synapse Analytics
Murugan Andezuthu Dharmaratnam | 05 May 2021 | 612
Azure data lake storage gen2 storage account
Murugan Andezuthu Dharmaratnam | 05 May 2021 | 708
What is Azure data lake storage and how to create an ADLS gen 2. … CONTINUE READING
Azure Synapse Analytics For Beginner
Murugan Andezuthu Dharmaratnam | 17 April 2021 | 2859
azure terms
Murugan Andezuthu Dharmaratnam | 16 April 2021 | 602
8 main categories in azure
Murugan Andezuthu Dharmaratnam | 03 April 2021 | 591
serverless options on microsoft azure
Murugan Andezuthu Dharmaratnam | 26 March 2021 | 618
Azure serverless services allow you to build cost-efficient apps on Microsoft azure without using Virtual Machines. A serverless approach removes the need to worry about hardware resources or the operational complexities of running an application. Some of the options available on azure to automate busines processes are Azure Functions, Microsoft Power Automate, Azure Logic Apps, and Azure WebJobs. … CONTINUE READING
secure your web application by setting up microsoft web application firewall on azure application gateway
Murugan Andezuthu Dharmaratnam | 12 March 2021 | 2523
In this article, we will learn about how to secure your web application by setting up a Microsoft web application firewall on the azure application gateway … CONTINUE READING
microsoft azure storage account create blob the remote server returned an error 400 bad request
Murugan Andezuthu Dharmaratnam | 14 October 2020 | 2505
The remote server returned an error: (400) Bad Request. The TLS version of the connection is not permitted on this storage account. … CONTINUE READING
azure logic apps download file from url
Murugan Andezuthu Dharmaratnam | 21 September 2020 | 6861
how to download a file from URL to blob storage using Microsoft azure logic apps. … CONTINUE READING
microsoft azure sql database allow ip addresses
Murugan Andezuthu Dharmaratnam | 17 September 2020 | 2817
Exception Cannot open server 'servername' requested by the login. Client with IP address '104.41.XXX.XXX' is not allowed to access the server. To enable access, use the Windows Azure Management Portal or run sp_set_firewall_rule on the master database to create a firewall rule for this IP address or address range. It may take up to five minutes for this change to take effect. … CONTINUE READING
is containerization the future of PaaS offering in microsoft azure
Murugan Andezuthu Dharmaratnam | 09 September 2020 | 3152
Containers now can be used as an alternative to Operating System-level virtualization to run multiple isolated applications on a single host. It's not going to be a replacement for virtualization but it's going to be one of the key players in PaaS offering on cloud Computing. … CONTINUE READING
microsoft azure host a website
Murugan Andezuthu Dharmaratnam | 01 September 2020 | 2801
this video will explain on how to host a website on microsoft azure. … CONTINUE READING