Azure data lake storage gen2 storage account Edit
In this article, we will look at what is Azure data lake storage, How to create an Azure data lake storage gen2 storage account.
Azure data lake storage is built on top of the Azure storage account.
Create Azure data lake storage gen2 storage account
Since ADLS is built on top of the Azure storage account, to create it, it's similar to how to create a storage account. The only thing different is that to create an ADLS gen 2, you go to the advance tab and you enable hierarchical namespace under DATA LAKE STORAGE GEN 2. Here are the step by step instructions.
Step 1: Select Create a resource from azure home page.
Step 2: Search and select Storage Account & On the next screen click on Create
Step 3: Fill in the Storage Account Name and Other details
- Select a resource group or create and then select the resource group. - Enter a name for the storage account, - Select region - Performance select standard - Redundance select locally redundant storageIN THE ADVANCED TAB
- Check Enable hierarchical namespaceClick on Review Create
Click on create button
Azure will start creating the storage account.