8086 assembly language program to read 5 digit number from keyboard and display its sum
Here we will write an 8086 assembly language program to input a 5 digit number from the keyboard and display the sum of the digits. This program can be broken into 2 main sections.
- Read a 5 digit number with validation to check if the entered character is numeric. If the entered character is valid add to a dw sum
- Convert the numeric sum into ASCII so that it can be displayed
Code To calculate the sum of 5 digit number
.model tiny .code org 100h main proc near ; here is the section to read a valid 5 digit number and keep adding to dw sum numberreadstart: mov ah,09h ; dos function 09h to display a string mov dx,offset messagereadnumber ; offset of message int 21h ; dos interrupt 21h mov sum,0 mov cx,5 ; cx is set to 5 so that it loops 5 times to enter 5 digits of the number readnumber: push cx mov ah,01h ; read character from input store result in al int 21h ; dos interrupt 21h ; code to check if the number is between 0 and 9 cmp al,30h ; 30h is character 0 jl invalidnumber ; If the number is less than character 0 jump to invalidnumber cmp al,39h ; 39h is character 9 jg invalidnumber ; if the number is greater that character 9 jump to invalid number ; end code to check if the number is between 0 and 9 sub al,30h ; 30h is the hex code for character 9 you subtract 30h to get the number and not character mov ah,00 add sum,ax ; add sum = sum number read pop cx loop readnumber jmp validnumber invalidnumber: mov ah,09h mov dx,offset messageinvalidnumber int 21h jmp numberreadstart ; end section to read a valid 5 digit number validnumber: mov ax,sum ; code to convert decimal number to asii mov si,offset numbertoascii mov cx,00h mov bx,0ah hexloop1: mov dx,0 div bx add dl,'0' push dx inc cx cmp ax,0ah jge hexloop1 add al,'0' mov [si],al hexloop2: pop ax inc si mov [si],al loop hexloop2 inc si mov [si],'$' ; end convert decimal number to asii mov ah,09h ; dos function to display a string mov dx,offset displayresult ; offset of message to display since I am not terminating ; the string displayresult with a dollar it will print ; the displayresult also which terminates with a $ int 21h ; dos interrupt 21h mov ah,4ch ; dos function to terminate and return to dos mov al,00 int 21h ; dos interrupt 21h endp messageinvalidnumber db 0ah,0dh,"Invalid number$" messagereadnumber db 0ah,0dh,"Please enter a 5 digit number $" displayresult db 0ah,0dh,"Sum of 5 digit number = " numbertoascii db 5 dup(?) sum dw 0 end main