8086 Assembly Language INT 10h Video Interrupt
Int 10h is a video service bios interrupt. It includes services like setting the video mode, character and string output, and reading and writing pixels in graphics mode. It is one of the most frequently used interrupt while coding in 8086 assembly language.
To use the bios interrupt load ah with the desired sub-function. load other required parameters in other registers. and make a call to int 10h.
Int 10h functions
Function Number | Description |
AH=00h | Set video mode |
AH=01h | Set text-mode cursor shape |
AH=02h | Set cursor position |
AH=03h | Get cursor position and shape |
AH=04h | Read light pen position (Does not work on VGA systems) |
AH=05h | Select active display page |
AH=06h | Scroll up window |
AH=07h | Scroll down window |
AH=08h | Read character and attribute at cursor position |
AH=09h | Write character and attribute at cursor position |
AH=0Ah | Write character only at cursor position |
AH=0Bh, BH = 00h | Set background/border color |
AH=0Bh, BH = 01h | Set palette |
AH=0Ch | Write graphics pixel |
AH=0Dh | Read graphics pixel |
AH=0Eh | Teletype output |
AH=0Fh | Get current video mode |
AH=11h | Change text mode character set |
AH=13h | Write string (EGA , meaning PC AT minimum) |
AX=4f02h | set VESA-Compliant video modes, beginning at 640 by 480 and reaching 1280 by 1024 with 256 colors |
Function 0Eh Teletype output
bios interrupt 10h function 0Eh prints a character at the current cursor position and advance the cursor by 1.
Registers Used
AH = 0Eh AL = character to write BH = page number BL = foreground color (graphics modes only)
Example: Program in 8086 to display Hi using bios interrupt
.model tiny .code org 100h main proc near mov ah,0eh mov al,'H' int 10h mov ah,0eh mov al,'i' int 10h mov ah,4ch mov al,00 int 21h endp end main