8086 assembly language program to print all the ASCII characters on the screen
Here is a simple 8086 assembly language to print all the ASCII characters to the screen. The program will print the first character and then wait for the user to press any key before displaying this next character. You need to keep pressing any key on the keyboard till the last ASCII character is printed. I write this program to find the tree symbol which I wanted for this program.
Print Characters 0 to 255
.model tiny .code org 100h main proc near mov ax,00 mov cx,256d mov bx,0 loop1: mov ah,02h ; Outputs a character to the standard output device mov dx,bx ; mov character number from cx to dx int 21h ; dos interrupt 21h mov ah,00h ; Wait program to read the character from the keyboard int 16h ; keyboard interrupt inc bx ; increment bx loop loop1 mov ah,4ch ; dos funcion to terminate and return to dos mov al,00 int 21h ; dos interrupt 21h ; add your code here ret endp end main