python get last modified file from blob storage container
To get the last modified file from a blob storage container you can use the ContainerClient. In the below code I am getting the full list of files from container / path using the list_blobs method & then I am sorting using the sorted function in descending order. Then I am returning the first element from the sorted list.
Sample Code
To get the last modified file from a blob storage container you can use the ContainerClient. In the below code I am getting the full list of files from container / path using the list_blobs method & then I am sorting using the sorted function in descending order. Then I am returning the first element from the sorted list.
def get_latest_file_from_blob(): AZURE_STORAGE_CONNECTION_STRING = 'DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=yourstorageaccountname;AccountKey=your storage account key==;' container = ContainerClient.from_connection_string(conn_str=AZURE_STORAGE_CONNECTION_STRING, container_name="yourcontainerpath") blob_list = container.list_blobs("your/path") sorted_blob_list = sorted(blob_list,key=lambda x: x.creation_time, reverse=True) return sorted_blob_list[0].name