mssql query to remove duplicate from a table
We will create a temporary table #Temp, Insert a few records and we will write an mssql query to remove duplicates from the table.
Create A Temporary Table
we will create a temporary table #Temp which has two columns Id and Name
create table #Temp( Id int, [Name] nvarchar(64) )
Add data to the temporary table
Insert rows into the temporary table
insert into #Temp(id,Name) values(1,'Murugan'),(2,'Anand'),(3,'Murugan'),(4,'Murugan')
Remove Duplicates
Here is the simple query to remove duplicates rows from the table.
delete from #Temp where Id IN ( select Id from (select *,ROW_NUMBER() over( partition by [Name] order by Id) as RN from #Temp ) s where RN > 1 )