angular 2 how to pass the current element to a function
In my angular application, I wanted to check if the SKU already exists on the server, If it exists display "SKU Already Exist". For this, I wanted to pass the current element and label element to the typescript function. I tried SKUExistVariant(this) but it did not work. The solution is the use the template reference variable. Below is the code on how I was able to pass both elements to the typescript function.
<tr *ngFor="let item of variant; let rowIndex = index"> <td>{{item.Name}}</td> <td> <input type="text" #skuvar (change)="SKUExistVariant(skuvar,skuvarexist)" [(ngModel)]="item.SKU" /> <label [hidden]="true" #skuvarexist style="color:red">SKU Already Exist</label> </td> </tr> public SKUExistVariant(skuinput, skulabel) { console.log($(skuinput).val()); }