
What is ASP.NET core 5.0 MVC edit button Edit

Murugan Andezuthu Dharmaratnam | calendar 18 January 2021 | 3239


.NET 5 is the new unified platform to develop .NET Framework or .NET Core applications. .NET 5 has merged .NET Framework and .NET core. .NET core 5.0 MVC is multi platform support with MVC design pattern. To learn more about MVC, please click on this link.

ASP.NET core 5.0 MVC file structure


Open solution explorer and click on Properties folder to view this file. The settings from this file only used in the development environment. It is not going to be part of publish package for production.


It is a default web root directory used to save static files like images, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap, jQuery. These files can directly be accessed by {content root}/wwwroot or using domain name like http:///site.css.


It is responsible for controlling the way that a user interacts with an MVC application. Default controllers folder has HomeController having action methods for Index, Privacy and Error.


The Model contains all of the business rule validations, validation logic or database logic. The default Models directory has ErrorViewModel model to display exception details on the Error view page.


A view is a component involved in the application user interface. This displays the required data or collects data from users. The default folder has views related to the Home controller, partial views, layout pages.


It is an application configuration setting file used to store configuration settings such as database connection strings, environment-specific keys, file paths, etc. The default appsettings.json file has settings related to logging.


his file has the following method that is an entry point of any ASP.NET Core application. This application is actually a Console project that gets started by executing the Main method.


This file has two methods ConfigureServices used to register services to IoC container and Configure used to configure application request pipeline using IApplicationBuilder instance.

ASP.NET core 5.0 MVC file structure image