ASP.NET Overview
ASP stands for Active Server Pages, and .NET is Network Enabled Technologies. ASP.NET is an open source, web development platform created by Microsoft in the year 2002. ASP.NET runs on Windows and it allows all the Developers to produce dynamic web applications for PC and Mobile devices.
ASP.NET is a subnet of the .NET Framework and it is also an updated version of classic ASP. The first version of ASP .NET was 1.0. and the recent version is 4.6. ASP .NET works with the HTTP protocol as it is the standard protocol used across all web applications. The .NET Framework supports a variety of .NET languages. So ASP.NET applications can be written in many languages like C#, J# , VB.NET etc. ASP.NET code can be written in Visual Studio application, which is available in a free Community Edition for non-corporate use.
Advantages of using ASP.NET
When it comes to using ASP.NET for the web applications, there are a handful number of reasons why some should use it. There are a number of reasons which make ASP.NET stand out and makes it popular.
.NET Framework: ASP.NET extends the .NET Framework with large number of libraries, packages and best tools to develop web applications.
Performance: ASP.NET web applications are faster and more efficient than any other websites built on any other frameworks.
Backend Code: ASP.NET web applications can be written in different languages like C#, VB.Net etc. as .NET Framework supports a number of languages.
Dynamic Pages: ASP.NET produces dynamic web pages with the help of C#, HTML,CSS and JavaScript.
Different Operating System: ASP.NET web applications and mobile applications support different operating systems like Windows, Linux, Docker, and MacOS.
Database: When developing web applications, database plays an important role. ASP.NET supports most of the Databases like Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, MariaDB, Postgres, MongoDB etc. Apart from these there are many different reasons why ASP.NET is popular among web Applications.
ASP.NET supports 3 programming models:
1. ASP.NET Web Forms 2. ASP.NET MVC 3. ASP.NET Web Pages.
Web Forms: This model lets you build dynamic websites using familiar drag- and- drop. This is a traditional approach to build ASP.NET websites. This Model is for those developers who prefer control based programming, such as Win Form. This model maintains 2 files, page having .aspx file where developers can write HTML tags and .cs file where all events will be written. Also, this model provides rapid development.
MVC: ASP.NET MVC, is a web development framework from Microsoft, which combines the features of MVC (Model-View-Controller) architecture. MVC gives patterns-based way to build dynamic websites. Makes it easier to manage complexity of the code by dividing an application into the model, the view, and the controller.
Web Page: Web Pages are the easiest programming model for developing ASP.NET web pages. It provides an easy way to combine HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. ASP.NET web pages are easy to learn, understand and develop. ASP.NET web pages give full HTML, CSS and JavaScript control to the developers.
ASP.NET is the best framework to use for developing web sites and web applications. It is easy to use, fast, scalable and free. ASP.NET can be used to make any project, big or small.