
8086 program to convert hexadecimal to ascii edit button Edit

Murugan Andezuthu Dharmaratnam | calendar 01 September 2020 | 11767

8086 assembly language program to convert from hex or decimal to ASCII. Ideally what you are trying to do is to display a number as a numeric character. In this program, we will display decimal 356 or hex 164 as a string 250

The first thing to do would be to run the program.

8086 code hex or decimal to ASCII

;Program  : clear screen
;FileName : hextoasc.asm
;I/P 	 : number (365 decimal) in ax
;O/P 	 : displays 365

.model tiny
org 100h

main proc near
  mov ax,365d
  mov si,offset message
  mov cx,00h
  mov bx,0ah
    mov dx,0
    div bx
    add dl,'0'
    push dx
    inc cx
    cmp ax,0ah
    jge hexloop1
    add al,'0'
    mov [si],al
    pop ax
    inc si
    mov [si],al
    loop hexloop2
  inc si
  mov [si],'$'
  mov ah,09h
  mov dx,offset message
  int 21h
  mov ah,4ch
  mov al,00 
  int 21h

message db 10 dup(?)
end main                


I am using emu8086 to run the program. You can also run the program using tasm or masm

Generate executable using

tasm filename.asm
tlink /t filename            

let's improve the code a little bit. The output will be the same. I am going to modify the code to display two numbers instead of one. For this the main thing, I have to do is to write a procedure for converting from hexadecimal to ASCII. Check the improved code below

Improved code

;Program  : clear screen
;FileName : hextoasc.asm
;I/P 	 : number (365 decimal) in ax  & number (969 decimal) in ax
;O/P 	 : displays 365 & 969

.model tiny
org 100h

main proc near
  mov ax,356d
  mov si,offset message
  call hexToAsc
  mov ah,09h
  mov dx,offset message
  int 21h

  mov ah,09h
  mov dx,offset newline
  int 21h
  mov ax,969d
  mov si,offset message
  call hexToAsc
  mov ah,09h
  mov dx,offset message
  int 21h
  mov ah,4ch
  mov al,00
  int 21h

newline db 0ah,0dh,'$'
message db 10 dup(?)
value dw 0

hexToAsc proc near        ;AX input , si point result storage addres
        mov cx,00h
        mov bx,0ah
                mov dx,0
                div bx
                add dl,'0'
                push dx
                inc cx
                cmp ax,0ah
                jge hexloop1
                add al,'0'
                mov [si],al
                pop ax
                inc si
                mov [si],al
                loop hexloop2
        inc si
        mov [si],'$'
end main              
