
8086 assembly language program to read a numeric character and convert it into single digit number edit button Edit

Murugan Andezuthu Dharmaratnam | calendar 01 April 2021 | 4826

In this article, we will write an 8086 assembly language program to read a numeric single-digit ASCII character, convert it into a number and store the value in al register. Writing a program to read a number is not simple like how you could read a number using one line of code in C or C . Here you have to read the numeric characters one by one and then convert the characters into a number. In our case, it's a single-digit number so it's much simpler.

First, we will have to understand the value of numeric characters from 0 to 9. For that let's look at ASCII Character Table. Open this link ASCII Character Table. Here you can see there are 4 columns Char Dec Oct Hex. Let's focus only on two columns Char & Hex. From this table you can find the hex value of character 0 is 0x30 and the hex value of 9 is 0x39. This means when a user press number 0 on keyboard the value of the character read will be 0x30 . To convert this ASCII value to numeric we have to subtract the value of 0x30 from the ASCII value.

Sample Code

.model tiny
org 100h

main proc near 

    mov ah,09h
    mov dx,offset messageenternumber
    int 21h  
    mov ah,01h  ; dos function to read a character with echo from keyboard
                ; result (character entered) is stored in al
    int 21h     ; dos interrupt 21h
    cmp al,30h  ; check if input character is less then 0, 
                ; here we are validating user input to check if entered character is betwen 0 and 9
    jl loop_readnumber ; jump to display invalid character
    cmp al,39h  ; check if input character is great then 9
    jg loop_readnumber ; jump to display invalid character
    sub al,30h  ; subtract 30h character code of character 0 from input to get numeric value
    mov bl,al   ; store value of read character in bl 
    mov ah,4ch      ; dos function 4ch to terminate and return to dos
    mov al,00       
    int 21h         ; dos interrupt 21h
    messageenternumber db 0ah,0dh,'Please input a single digit number $'
end main