C# goto statement
The goto statement transfers the program control directly to a labeled statement. A common use of goto is to transfer control to a specific switch-case label or the default label in a switch statement. The goto statement is also useful to get out of deeply nested loops.
Example - Goto
using System; namespace Hello_world { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Coffee sizes: 1=Small 2=Medium 3=Large"); Console.Write("Please enter your selection: "); string s = Console.ReadLine(); int n = int.Parse(s); int cost = 0; switch (n) { case 1: cost = 25; break; case 2: cost = 25; goto case 1; case 3: cost = 50; goto case 1; default: Console.WriteLine("Invalid selection."); break; } if (cost != 0) { Console.WriteLine($"Please insert {cost} cents."); } Console.WriteLine("Thank you for your business."); // Keep the console open in debug mode. Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit."); Console.ReadKey(); } } }